Sunday, August 23, 2009

Growing Older

We have a very close family and I absolutely adore my nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews. And I consider them my own children, and I never want them to hurt. While they were growing up, I was growing older in my marriage, going through all the things that big boys and big girls go through while being married - most of which is not fun. I always described things like this: having children was easier than being married.... because children come to you unmolded and you can kinda influence the mold. But husbands come with mold already and you can't unmold them!! Really, just being married is a lot of work. It is the most rewarding relationship this side of Heaven but it is HARD! So, while on the outside, you are setting this example for extended family, they never really see the hard part. Now that my nieces and nephews are themselves in this wonderful marriage relationship, they are living reality and it is even harder in this world we live in today. I just want to encourage them to see the big picture. God has a plan for your marriage ... it is to be able to say, in the end, we ran the race, we persevered, we will give You glory. While the everyday mundane business of staying in love seems like it is just too hard sometimes to accomplish, think about the big picture. Think about the legacy you will leave your children and think about how God views your relationship. You will be okay, you will persevere, you will be rewarded. But you cannot do it alone - He will give you the grace you need. I love you, and I am proud of you. You come from good stock.

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